Rock Drum Fills #3

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Welcome to the third video in the rock drum fills course again. We're going to get a little bit more complex especially as we go through these skills. I'm counting on the fact that you actually practice the ones from the second video and the ones from the first video for this one.

Because if you did it's going to be a lot easier because you have will have learned some of those related techniques that I was talking about.

Fill #11 - Hi-Hat Drum Fill:

So the first field that I'm going to be going over it utilizes the open hi-hat.

Within our drum fills now. This is something when I was first starting out. I didn't actually use at all I thought the fill was you know the rules snare Tom's and then maybe some bass drum but that's not the rules you can actually use other things and so within this video you're going to be noticing that I'm really using some other things so what I'm going to do for you is just break down the sticking of this fill.

Here we go - right, left, bass, right, left, bass, bass left.

It's exactly the same every single time. We're ending with the left just because it makes it easier to start the next count going into count 3 because when you go left, right, left bass, right, left bass, bass left, then crash.

You could end the whole feel with your right hand and crash with your left if you want now on the end. We're going to be opening the hi-hat so it's doing a hi-hat bark something like this.

Basically just hitting it and closing it really quickly if you don't want to hit it and close it really quickly you can just hit your bass drum and hit the hi-hat. So even just hit it like a crash cymbal just like a really accented note.

So if you don't want to worry about the complexity of opening it quickly and closing that's totally fine. Ok, so we're doing that on the end of one and again on the end of three. Here we go.

I'll play it for you at two separate tempos

Fill #12 - Anthemic Rock Drum Fill:

Number two is what I would call kind of like a big anthemic rock fill so we do a quick fill utilizing the bass drum, the crash cymbal, and then go into a sixteenth note build on count three and count four.

So there's a lot of different things happening here. We're hitting the crash which is an eighth note then we're doing three quick snare hits into two kind of upbeat.

Bass drum hits on the e of two and the and of two and then straight into the sixteenth note build. Now I didn't write it in but you can choose if you want to do something called a Crescendo which is to start really quiet and get louder with that sixteenth note build. You can just play it all one volume for now if you want.

Here we go!

Fill #13 - Fun Hand Patterned Drum Fill:

The third feel we're going to be doing is teaching you a kind of a hand pattern and how to integrate this or orchestrate it on the drumset.

So first with me you put down your sticks, and I want you to just practice this hand pattern on your legs. So the hand pattern is right left right left left right left right left left right left right left

You better be doing with me, right?

Right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, left, left.

Okay, now if we play this as 16th notes you know we're going to be slightly playing over the first count because within one count there's only four sixteenth notes. So we're going one e and two and are we hitting the two with our left hand and then right after the two.

We're going to play this hand pattern again so we go one E and A two E and Three E.

So we're playing this hand pattern two times and all the way until the three E.

One E and A two E and A three E and four E and.

Then we're just doing right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left until it is all over now.

How we're orchestrating on this on the drums is what makes it sound really cool, so when I play on the snare I don't hit it as loud as I normally hit it.

I'll try and hit the snare a little bit softer and we call them ghost notes. So just really soft notes. Let me just play the the pattern for you.

My right hand is going to hit the high tom for the first hit and then the floor tom for the second hit. My left hand is just going to stay on the snare.

Here we go!

So that's the exact pattern how it's orchestrated on the kit. I'll play it for you at two tempos 60 and 100 and then what you can do if you really want to add a challenge is you can you know put the hi-hat foot on quarter notes, you could put the hi-hat foot on eighth notes so it's opening and closing it or you could even hit the bass drum and let it follow your right hand so hit it with those tom hits just to make it a little bit more challenging.

It sounds really really cool once you get it, so I highly recommend you practice that one because it's a fun one.

Fill #14 - Alternating Hand & Bass Drum Fill:

So now let's go on to the fourth fill here now. What is challenging about this fill is count two.

So take a look at count two and you're going to notice snare drum, bass drum, snare drum, bass drum.

This is a very important technique to learn. I did not learn this technique until like six or seven years into my drumming when I saw a drummer at a clinic doing it. What are you doing, and how did you get that fast?

But the technique of basically playing hand bass drum one hit on each is something that a lot of drummers don't practice [sound] like this

Practicing this can have so much value within your fills and so I incorporated just a tiny piece of it in here because I know this is more of a beginner list and I didn't want to throw something like that at you right to begin with. So we're going to keep it simple and just do it on one count so

Let's practice it on our legs, okay?

So we have right bass, bass, left, right, bass, left, bass, right, left, right, right, left, right, left.

So now I'll count as I do it. One e and two E and three E and four E, and A. Let's now orchestrate it on the kit.

Fill #15 - Oddball Drum Fill:

And the final fill is again one of my absolute favorites and it looks very complex and weird at first glance, and that's why I'd really encourage you just to listen to the demonstration close your eyes listen to it replay it over and over again.

You have to really get a sense for how it sounds

It's actually a very simple fill. All we're doing here is right, left, bass, okay? So I'll actually just do it on my legs so right, left, bass.

That's all that's happening.

Pretty much the whole fill until the end. We have one left hand or right hand stroke on the snare to finish, okay?

So goes one E and two E and three E and four E, and A one. Again one E, and two E and three E and four E, and A one.

So it's very simple on sometimes when you write things down when you notate it out it makes it more challenging so I don't want you to get mixed up and think it's more challenging because it's really very simple.

Now why we put that you can kind of play it anywhere?

I've written it in on the floor tom and the high tom. So close for high tom, bass tom, high tom, bass tom, high tom, bass floor tom, high tom, bass floor tom, high tom, bass, snare, then out.

Okay, so I'll play a few bars to separate the fills.


Those are the fills from the third video within this rock drum fills course again. Just like all the other fills I highly recommend that you learn them at least at the slow tempo and for two minutes straight with no mistakes.

If you can do them at the faster tempo of 100 beats per minute you know the fills are somewhat basic.

The hidden techniques in there and the related techniques can be a challenge, and so don't get hung up on it too long to the point where you're spending weeks on one fill.

Really attempt and do the process like I did with all of these fills. Figure out the rhythm and then orchestrate them.

Start to perfect it with a click or metronome and make sure that you're just nailing it every single time. Alright, so once you have got all these fills you can go ahead and move on to the next video!

Go to Drum Fill Lesson Video #4 »

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